Well, actually NaNoWriMo 2022 has been done for a few weeks. But after the grueling pace of over 1667 words a day for 30 days, I needed a break.
But, Kudos to me, I was a NaNoWriMo winner again this year. I completed a nearly full rewrite of the upcoming sequel to Water Against Chaos, which will be titled The Amulet and the Dragon, unless I think of a better title between now and publication. I had some fun with this revision, switching the Point of View of several chapters to see if it worked better. Overall, I'm happy with the results, but it still needs some more polishing. I hope to be done some time in 2023. When I have a publication date, this site is going to be the first place it is announced, so keep your eye on it.
Also, I would like to remind everyone that Water Against Chaos makes a great Winter Festival gift for someone in your life who has yet to experience the world of Cordela and Rizo.