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Highlights of daily Social Media responses to prompts.

As I mentioned in the newsletter this month, I regularly (daily) post to my Mastodon account responses to the Writers' Coffee Club hashtag. I have several months worth in the archive, far too many to include in the newsletter. Here are a few more of my favorites.

(My first one!)

September 1: Intro: Shameless Self Promotion. Tell us about yourself, your published work or WIP.

I'm a wizard. I used to have adventures, now I just write about them. I authored Water Against Chaos, and the follow up The Amulet and the Dragon is in final prep, should be released in a few months.

September 15: Which conjunctions do you use the most? Does it matter?

It turns out that Scrivener has a word frequency tool. In my current WIP, I use the following conjunctions with these frequencies, in descending order:
And 1826
For 798
As 562
But 497
So 260
If 245
Or 228
Where 141
After 130
Who 107
Too 93
Than 93
While 86
Also 81
Only 78
Which 76
Since 72

September 17: How do you promote your writing?


September 19: Do you suffer from imposter syndrome?

Only when I'm using Disguise Self to actually impersonate someone else. Never in writing, mostly because I spell it "impostor" and I must have a pretty high opinion of myself to 'well actually' @johnhowesauthor like that.


October 7: Have you ever seen a TV show or movie so close to one of your ideas you wished you'd written it?

I think Disney stole the story of my semi-autobiographical first book. I haven't figured out how to go after them from the #fantasy world in which I live and work.

October 10: Did you learn cursive/joined-up writing in elementary/primary school?

Arcane symbols must be carefully and independently written one at a time. Connecting them can have unexpected and disastrous consequences. That said, part of the art of wizardry is knowing when you can "cheat".


October 11: What sounds are present when you're writing?

Sometimes my Gryphon squawks when it hasn't been fed. And now and then a group of adventurers will arrive at my door. #WizardLife

October 22: Which actor should play you in the story of your life?

Anyone but Peter MacNicol! 😝

October 25: Oxford comma, no Oxford comma, or I don't live in Oxford?

To me, Oxford is a legendary, magical place in a parallel universe, where commas grow wild among the daffodils, and people often pause, unhurried, to pick some for a bouquet or just to appreciate their soft curves and plump, round, bulbous tops.

October 29: Have you ever left an autographed copy of your work in a hotel or guest house?

I once left an autographed copy of my first book in the dining room of the King of Sparta. I heard that he wasn't impressed, but that the Queen enjoyed it very much.

November 4: Have you ever seen a movie which was better than the book?

Film is not yet available in my particular material plane. However, I have read some books that were better than the real thing. #WizardLife

November 14: Share an example of Chekhov's gun in your work.

I have the opposite. My characters are always finding interesting magical items that they have no use for, and they are never mentioned again.

November 27: How do you feel about the use of AI in writing?

The "original" AI content is pretty awful, but not as bad as it was a couple of years ago. If it keeps getting better, who knows? I'll need my own personal AI just to filter all of the AI generated content down to what I'd find worth reading. Eventually the AIs just start writing for other AIs to consume, leaving us humans out of the loop. So, then we're back to humans writing for other humans like the past 6000 years.

December 4: Do you/will you write under your own name? Do you share a name with another writer?

I won't reveal what the R. and the A. stand for. In some of the worlds in which I operate, True Name magic is effective... #WizardLife

December 6: Is it the reader's/critic's interpretation of a work or the author's? Would you fight an author's opinion?

I see a lot of responses to this prompt that mention "death of the author." Maybe I'll just avoid the question by becoming an immortal lich. And rather than fighting, it would be much cleaner and only slightly less ethical to just use magic to change the author's mind. #WizardLife

December 19: If you could remove one rule of grammar, which would you choose?

Are you kidding? And lose even one weapon with which to hit other writers over the head? Never!

#GrammarRules #DontEndWithAPreposition

December 24: Do your family and friends expect one of your books for Christmas?

They're getting one whether they want it or not!

December 29: Do you have a favourite letter of the alphabet? How does it feature in your work?

I'm concerned that if I have favorites it might antagonize the other letters and then I'll never be able to get any work out of them.

January 4: What aspects of your current or former profession do you bring into your writing?

As has been mentioned by others (you know who you are), being an actual wizard gives me tremendous insight into the magic used and encountered by my characters. Being a participant in the events that they view as history is also helpful. As is having personally encountered many of the creature types they meet. #WizardLife

January 12: You're at a coffee shop table at the end of the universe, what 3 writers are you chatting with?

They still have coffee at the end of the universe?

February 6: If you were to write a sequel centred on one of your SCs, which would you pick?

Rizo has had some amazing adventures on his own. I might write about them someday. Maybe he wouldn't hurl that book into the ocean.

[ NOTE: That last bit was a reference to this ]

February 10: What do you say to people who tell you they're frustrated writers?

I always say to get a book out on the market and become a frustrated book marketer!

March 11: Do you ever imagine scenes in your work as if they were scenes in a movie or TV show?

I imagine scenes in my work as though they were being acted out around a table by people using paper, pencils, and dice.

March 14: Should you avoid sentence fragments? Or, should you. Simply not care?

Probably best to avoid them unless you really know what you're doing. There are always exceptional situations where they are the right choice. What you really want to avoid is spell fragments, which can have unpredictable results. I had an apprentice once who tried casting Find Familiar, and a long-lost brother showed up. #WizardLife

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